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Pathology Department Collection

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Pathology Department Collection
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Previous Contribution

In this Collection, we found obtained, produced and studied materials that allowed IOC Pathology Department to offer major scientific contributions between 1984 and 2007. In the light of the permanent character of the Collection, it can be accessed at any time for new analyses and/or production of new data. Among such contributions, we can name some:

  • - Finding of a Trypanosoma cruzi cycle in anal glands of Didelphis marsupialis, which is similar to the one existing in invertebrate hosts (in cooperation with the Protozoology Department/IOC);

  • - Description of a lymphomieloid organ associated to celomatic cavities and its participation in many parasitic infections;

  • - Proposition of a complex mechanism for eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs for mice intestinal lumen;

  • - Morphogenetic and multidisciplinary approach in the participation of extracellular matrix components and adhesion molecules in lesions of different etiologies, especially schistosomotic granulomas;

  • - Introduction to Calomys callosus cricetid rodent as experimental model for murine mansonic schistosomiasis pathology study due to the peculiarities of the mice model;

  • - New description of Angiostrongylus costaricensis migration route in its intermediate and definite hosts (in cooperation with the Intestinal Helminthiasis Laboratory, CPqRR/Fiocruz), as well as deepening of the human/experimental pathology study of abdominal angiostrongyliasis, a disease caused by this helminth;

  • - Sequential histological study of intra-bone marrow hematopoietic tissue lesions under ionizing radiation (work of a Scientific Vocation student, awarded second place in the 21st Young Scientist Award - High School Student Category, in 2005);

  • - Sequential histology description of lymphatic and hematopoietic system assembly in mice during the gestational period, with evidence of sites of hematopoietic stem-cell generation and migration, and establishment and proliferation sites of these cells. Observation of mature neutrophilic cell migration before the establishment of hematopoietic progenitors in the bone marrow (paper awarded during the 14th International Symposium about Recent Advancements in Stem-Cell Transplants, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007);

  • - Characterization of freshwater sponges as etiological agents of eye lesion, from human cases recorded in Tocantins in 2006 (in cooperation with many national groups);


Financial Support All rights reserved - Laboratory of Pathology
IOC Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | IOC | FIOCRUZ - Av. Brasil, 4365 - Tel:(21) 2562-1452
Manguinhos - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil CEP: 21040-360


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