English (United Kingdom)

Project Portfolio (APSC)

PJ1: Restructure the Anatomical Pathology Section Collection of IOC.

    • General Objective: Recovering, organising and modernising the APSC.

  • Specific Objectives/Targets/Activities:

    • Renovate the facilities that shelter the collection by promoting construction works and by acquiring furniture and equipment.

      • IOC Museum of Pathology room will be renovated, located in Lauro Travassos Pavilion. This renovation will include: changing the flooring for a high traffic resin flooring (essential due to the weight of the cabinets), general painting of the room, acclimatisation (air conditioning and exhausting system), installation of smoke detectors, surveillance cameras, anti-fire pressurised hydraulic system (sprinklers). Acquisition of cabinets adequate for the kind of material to be stored, cabinets that allow visitors to see the pieces and, at the same time, assure biosafety needs are complied with, especially in terms of formaldehyde vapour volatilization used for piece preservation. Such cabinets do not allow visitors to directly (manually) contact the content of the exhibition, avoiding accidents.

    • Recover the materials of the Anatomical Pathology Section Collection through technical treatment and recovery of stained histological slides (inventory was completed, recovering activities are still ongoing).

      • Complete the inventory and recover all materials through technical treatment of anatomical pieces, exchange the binder (formaldehyde) and technically clean histological slides. Implementation of a bar coding system for modernisation of filing activities.

    • Organise the Collection in accordance with international standards that cover this rare type of material.

      • The anatomical pieces, individually stored in appropriate vials and submerged in formaldehyde (preserving agent), will be displayed in shelves, inside cabinets, based on a distribution criteria that follows a historical logics and allows the scientific process to be experienced. Upon exhibition, the informatised inventory of the materials will be available, with as much as information possible about each item, with internet consultation as well. Acquire slide boxes and labels for adequate storage. New adequation in accordance with international standards. Create and feed the informatised inventory after databank software licensing and PDA reader acquisition.

PJ2: Implementation of the Continuous Availability of Anatomical Pathology Section Collection Information Programme.

    • General Objective:Implement a permanent availability programme for the information contained in the Collection.

  • Targets/Activities:

    • Create and launch an Internet website for access to the information contained in the Collection, as well as for information on how to visit/get to know the Collection.

    • Create and produce an educational video about the assembly of scientific collections, the history of the Anatomical Pathology Section Collection, how the Collection works and is maintained, and how to get to know the Collection.

PJ3: Implementation of the "Continuous Digitalization of APSC Materials Programme".

    • General Objective: Implement a permanent digitalisation programme for the materials of the collection.

  • Specific Objectives/Targets/Activities:

    • Implement a Continuous Digitalization of APSC Programme for obtaining images of stained histological slides and documents. Record each case with corresponding bar codes.

PJ4: Anatomical Pathology Section Collection: Organising an interactive exhibition.

    • General Objective: Present the Anatomical Pathology Section Collection in an interactive manner, allowing information assimilation for scientific knowledge and teaching purposes by means of students' visits to an informal learning space.

  • Specific Objectives/Targets/Activities:

    • Introduce science as a vocation to young people, regardless of their social class, encouraging interest in science and scientific and technological careers, and contributing to the formation of a national judgmental mass;

      • Formulate teaching activities and work team qualification.

        • Experimentation and active communication of visitors will be encouraged with technical or experience objectives. Therefore, teaching activities to be carried out will be based on interaction, and the space provided will be consolidated as a communicating and learning environment. Thus, the activities will allow participation of students, and process knowledge gain by means of interaction with scientific issues in a historical and cultural context (nationally and internationally). For that, history facts and science will be used to show the dominant vision of a knowledge linear evolution, creating doubts and expectations, revealing science as a dynamic process, with continuities and discontinuities, stability and ruptures, in which there are no absolute certainties. This will allow the audience to see, think and build their vision of knowledge history formation process, establishing relations with the society and indicating their social and cultural limitations.

          A multidisciplinary team will plan these efforts, and monitors will also be available, who will be in charge of following and accompanying the visits directly.

      • Pilot visits, including visits to the planned methodology test and visit routine implementation.

        • After preparation of teaching activities, pilot visits will be carried out with High School students from different schools and from Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio (Fiocruz) (Joaquim Venâncio Health Polytechnic School). These visits will serve to assess the activities proposed, student's behaviour within the dynamic process, understanding of focused processes (historical and scientific processes), and the dynamic process as a whole. Students will be invited to answer a diagnosis questionnaire (before the visit) and a sum questionnaire (after the visit) for the purposes of checking information assimilated/transformed into knowledge during the visit. This stage will serve as a test for the team to see which topics arouse the interest in the exhibition, so that monitor training is conducted, and eventual flaws and difficulties are identified, allowing problems to be corrected before the exhibition is open to the public.

PJ5: Anatomical Pathology Section Collection – Open Doors.

    • General Objective:Promote access to the public through guided visits (lay public) and research visits (consultation to histological slides and documents collection).

  • Targets/Activities:

    • Provide free guided visits to the lay public, which must be scheduled in the curatorship department, according to the demand of schools and universities. Research visits for consultation to stained histological slides and documents.

PJ6: Anatomical Pathology Section Collection: Promotion and Scientific Interaction ("APSC Promotion").

    • General Objective:Advertise and promote scientific interaction and knowledge both nationally and internationally in connection with the Anatomical Pathology Section Collection.

  • Targets/Activities:

    • Promote debates about collections and their preservation for national and international collection interchange.

    • Participate in international forums for the exchange of experiences related to scientific collection preservation, and discuss issues related to personal files associated with this kind of collection;

    • Promote the participation of the work team in national and international exhibitions as a way to advertise science to the society, and the role of centres and science museums in such context.

PJ7: Implementation of the "Continuous Preservation of APSC Materials Programme".

    • General Objective: Implement a preservation programme for all biological materials, and replacement of blocks and slides.

  • Targets/Activities:

    • A programme will be implemented for the permanent preservation of anatomical pieces and experimental objects included in IOC Anatomical Pathology Section Collection. This initiative aims at assuring continuous preservation of materials, with constant binder replacement, cleaning of vials and stained histological slides, in addition to maintenance of facilities and equipment.

Financial Support All rights reserved - Laboratory of Pathology
IOC Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | IOC | FIOCRUZ - Av. Brasil, 4365 - Tel:(21) 2562-1452
Manguinhos - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil CEP: 21040-360


FIOCRUZ Governo Federal